If you’re currently suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, there is almost a limitless amount of ways you can help your body overcome the condition, from bracing to activity modification to regenerative medicine and more. However, an often-overlooked strategy is slightly changing the diet. Several foods can actually aggravate the condition and interfere with healing, so avoiding them can speed up the recovery process. Who are the key offenders? Read on to learn about 3 of the foods you should beware if you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Potato Chips
Your body needs salt to function properly, but too much salt can cause the tissues to hold onto extra water, forcing them to swell. Swollen and inflamed muscles in the wrist are the root cause of CTS in many cases, so cutting down on your salt intake can help you reduce the underlying source of the problem. Pretty much any brand, type, or flavor of potato chip is loaded with salt. Swapping this snack for unsalted nuts is a much better way to curb your hunger between meals and won’t aggravate your condition.
Soy Sauce
A key ingredient in many Asian and Asian-American dishes, soy sauce is essentially a huge salt bomb. If you routinely use it at home to spice up your cooking, cutting back can be a big help if you have CTS. For those who regularly order Chinese/Thai/Laotian/Hawaiian takeout, be sure to ask the restaurant to put the sauce on the side instead of on the dish. This way, you can add just a little bit, allowing you to enjoy the flavor without going overboard.
Anything Fried
This can be a bit of a heartbreaker, but fried foods that contain high amounts of fat and oil can cause tissues to swell in a way just like salt, making CTS worse. This includes both sweet and savory treats. Thankfully, most fried foods (namely chicken) can be grilled or baked instead, and many desserts and candies that are delicious don’t require a trip through a frier. If you have a sweet tooth, a better choice is fresh fruit, as it usually has vitamins that can stimulate the healing process.
If you can’t stand to miss out on any of these foods, just make sure you limit your consumption. Moderation is better than nothing, but the more you’re able to avoid excessively salty, fatty, or oily foods, the faster you’ll recover from CTS. Of course, it should be noted that even if your diet is devoid of these items, you should still seek out treatment from a doctor. Their care, combined with healthier choices at mealtime, will have you feeling better as quickly as possible.
About the Author
Dr. Paul Tortland is board-certified in both sports and regenerative medicine. He uses cutting-edge treatments like PRP, prolotherapy, and stem cell therapy to help patients quickly heal from musculoskeletal problems without the need for surgery or medication. If you’re currently struggling with CTS, he can help you get the care and relief you need right away. Schedule a consultation today by clicking here.