An injured rotator cuff can mess with your swing (whether you’re talking about a racket, club, or bat), prevent you from working on your home, and even make putting on a shirt extremely difficult. It’s one of the most common and frustrating shoulder problems people experience, and for those who want to avoid surgery or a long-term dependence on medication, PRP therapy offers an effective, natural, and proven way to speed up recovery and improve daily comfort.
PRP & Rotator Cuff Injuries
The rotator cuff is made up of a group of four muscles that provide stability for the shoulder while also allowing it to be the most mobile joint we have. Of course, this means that a lot can go wrong, as more muscles mean there is more tissue that can become strained or torn.
The traditional ways of treating a rotator cuff include resting (and maybe immobilizing) the joint, taking medication, or in the worst cases, surgery.
However, with PRP, a doctor can inject a substance directly into the shoulder that accelerates the healing process and allows the body to recover much faster than normal. While PRP is ideal for overuse injuries and minor tears, it’s important to point out that in the case of complete tears, surgery is usually the best option.
How PRP Can Help
For people suffering from rotator cuff problems, PRP has been shown to:
- Reduce Pain: PRP essentially gives your body a big dose of the substances it already uses to heal itself in order to kickstart the process, and this causes inflammation (as well as the associated pain) to wind down and eventually stop.
- More Stability: Because the rotator cuff itself is healing thanks to the PRP, the shoulder will become more stable and reliable, giving the patient peace of mind.
- Increased Strength: After a few rounds of PRP injections, the muscles should be able to function normally again, meaning a person will be able to use their shoulder without having to worry about it giving out.
What To Do if You’re Interested in PRP
If you think you’ve tried everything when it comes to handling your rotator cuff injury, but haven’t looked into PRP yet, now is the time to do it. The longer you wait, the more likely surgery will become your only option. PRP enables patients to get the treatment they need without having to disrupt their daily lives or deal with negative side effects. All you need to do is reach out to a regenerative medicine doctor today, and they’ll let you know if PRP (or another treatment) could provide the solution you’ve been looking for.
About the Author
Dr. Paul Tortland is a double board-certified physician (sports medicine and regenerative medicine) that has treated all levels of athletes for decades. At Valley Sports Physicians & Orthopedic Medicine, he offers the latest regenerative medicine therapies using industry-leading methods, many of which he helped pioneer and refine (including PRP therapy). To learn more about your options and how he can help you treat your rotator cuff, click here to schedule an appointment.