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5 Common Conditions That Stem Cells Can Treat

November 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — valleysports @ 3:25 pm
Woman with knee injury, may benefit from stem cell therapy in Glastonbury

Stem cells have been a hot topic in medicine for quite a few years now. They have many applications in various areas of healthcare. They can be used in beauty products, cancer treatments, and more. They also have some remarkable uses in orthopedic medicine. In this blog post, we will discuss five common conditions that orthopedic stem cell therapy in Glastonbury can be used to treat.


Discover the Benefits of Osteopathic Ozone Therapy

October 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — valleysports @ 4:39 pm
Fit young women enjoying pain relief thanks to ozone therapy

For patients who are coping with persistent musculoskeletal pain, conventional doctors often recommend medications and other common treatments. While such options are helpful for many people, they often fail to address the root cause of pain. Instead of encouraging healing, they simply hide the symptoms of an underlying problem. Osteopathic ozone therapy is different. Read on below to learn more about this remarkable treatment.


Can Regenerative Medicine Help with Tennis Elbow?

September 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — valleysports @ 3:24 pm
Illustration of tennis elbow, which might benefit from regenerative medicine

Do you suffer from persistent elbow pain? It is possible that you have lateral epicondylitis, which is commonly referred to as tennis elbow. However, it isn’t exclusively limited to tennis players. It can afflict anyone who overuses the muscles in their forearm. It is marked by in inflammation and small tears in the elbow joint’s tendons. Conventional treatments for this condition include things like anti-inflammatory medications, corticosteroid injections, and surgery. But did you know there is another option? Many patients have found relief with the help of regenerative medicine. Read on below to learn more about treatment.


How PRP Can Help with Shoulder Injuries

August 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — valleysports @ 12:06 pm
baseball pitcher who has just thrown

It’s basically impossible to throw a ball, swing a racket/club, or even put on a shirt comfortably when your shoulder is injured. It’s a complicated joint, meaning a lot can go wrong. And, for most people, shoulder problems tend to be recurring as well. If you’ve already tried other treatments and haven’t been happy with your results, PRP could be the answer you’re looking for. Here are just a few ways it has been shown to help people heal from (and prevent future) shoulder injuries.


Problem Rotator Cuff? 3 Ways PRP Therapy Can Help

June 16, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — valleysports @ 12:22 pm
doctor examining patient’s rotator cuff

An injured rotator cuff can mess with your swing (whether you’re talking about a racket, club, or bat), prevent you from working on your home, and even make putting on a shirt extremely difficult. It’s one of the most common and frustrating shoulder problems people experience, and for those who want to avoid surgery or a long-term dependence on medication, PRP therapy offers an effective, natural, and proven way to speed up recovery and improve daily comfort.


What Regenerative Medicine REALLY Does to Tackle Osteoarthritis

April 12, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — valleysports @ 1:05 pm
patient getting PRP injected into knee

For decades, people struggling with osteoarthritis basically had two main treatment options—a lifelong reliance on medication (because it’s a chronic condition) or invasive joint replacement surgery. While both of these approaches are effective in their own ways, needless to say, they each have significant drawbacks. Thankfully, the field of regenerative medicine now offers multiple viable alternatives, but many people don’t exactly know how it works. And, there are a few misconceptions about it as well. Fortunately, this blog is about to separate fact from fiction. If you’re interested in taking control of your OA with regenerative medicine, keep reading.


4 Back Pain Treatments You Haven’t Tried Yet

March 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — valleysports @ 11:40 am
doctor injecting a patient’s back

A quick search online is all you need to do to see that there is no shortage of advice for people experiencing back pain. From conservative methods like rest and heat to medication to more extreme measures like surgery, people have plenty of choices. But, among the most recommended solutions, 4 regenerative medicine treatments often get overlooked. Rather than reduce symptoms, they are designed to help the body heal itself and deal with the root cause of the pain, leading to lasting relief. What are they? How do they work? Keep reading to find out.


Does Regenerative Medicine Really Work?

February 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — valleysports @ 12:33 pm
doctor holding syringe with PRP

One of the fastest-growing areas in medical science is the study and application of regenerative medicine, in which cells, biomaterials, and molecules are used to help repair structures in the body that are affected by injury or disease. Even though the science is promising, there are not many clinics that offer advanced regenerative medicine in the US, and most treatments aren’t covered by insurance. So this begs the question—does regenerative medicine actually work? If you’re injured and don’t like the results you’re getting with conventional methods, should it be considered a viable option? Read on to get the answers to these questions and more.


Can Stem Cells Fix Your Arthritis?

January 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — valleysports @ 1:30 pm
older man playing golf

Over the past two decades, great leaps and bounds have been made in the realm of stem cell research, mostly revolving around their application in medicine. Specifically, they are being used more and more when treating common musculoskeletal problems, like muscle tears, sprains, and strains. But what about osteoarthritis? Could stem cell therapy provide a solution for it or even reverse the degenerative process? To learn a little more about stem cell therapy, arthritis, and how they interact, keep reading.


Lower Back Pain from Working at Home? Prolotherapy Can Help

December 3, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — valleysports @ 12:51 pm
man working at kitchen table

A large percentage of Americans are now working primarily from home, and while this offers many perks, it also has certain disadvantages. For many, the switch to a home office brought on or made preexisting lower back pain much worse. If you haven’t gotten the relief you need using NSAIDs or a heating pad, then prolotherapy can offer a stronger, non-invasive solution that has already helped countless people in your situation. Could it be exactly what you’re looking for? You can learn more about this option in today’s blog.

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