Fax: (860) 430-9693
Glastonbury, CT 06033
Is your workday or leisure time constantly being interrupted by hand and wrist pain? Has this been going on for weeks or months, and it is starting to worry you? Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is often the culprit behind this kind of problem, and you should definitely seek out treatment if you experience any of the most telltale symptoms, which you’ll find detailed below. Dr. Paul Tortland at the New England Stem Cell Institute can help you get the lasting relief you need using proven, non-invasive methods that have already helped countless other patients dealing with CTS.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is caused by the median nerve becoming pinched in the wrist because the surrounding tissues are injured or inflamed. Because a nerve is involved, a patient may experience numbness or tingling (“pins and needles”) in their fingers well before they develop any pain.
Most of the time, the pain associated with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is at its lowest at the beginning of the day, and as someone uses their wrist and hand (like during work or sports), that’s when the discomfort tends to start. This is because the tissues surrounding the median nerve become irritated and swollen, applying pressure to it.
The median nerve actually runs along the entire length of your arm and into your shoulder. Because of this, untreated CTS can often lead to numbness, tingling, and pain that travels up the arm due to the nerve becoming more and more distressed.
Do you have more difficulty grabbing or holding objects? Do you find yourself dropping small items, like a pen or your phone, more often than normal? This can also point to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, as the pinched nerve is inhibiting the muscles and joints in the hand from working properly.
These symptoms and others will only get worse over time without treatment, and ultimately, this may lead to the only solution being surgery. However, Dr. Tortland can provide a variety of solutions designed to stop the pain, stiffness, and dysfunction associated with CTS well before scalpels and sutures are necessary. With regenerative medicine techniques like prolotherapy, PRP therapy, stem cell therapy, and more, he can provide immediate relief and help the body heal so that CTS symptoms go away and stay away for good.
All you need to do to get started is schedule a friendly, no-pressure consultation at the New England Stem Cell Institute today. At this appointment, Dr. Tortland will determine exactly what is causing your problems and go over your options for treatment. To learn more and start feeling better today, contact us by clicking here. If you have any questions, you can give us a call at 860-430-9690.